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Freedom principle - acid jazz and other illicit grooves vol. 2

  • フォーマットカセットテープ (Cassette, Compilation)
  • レーベルUrban (2)
  • プレス国837 925-4 - UK & Europe
  • 出版年1989
  • ジャンルElectronic, Jazz, Funk / Soul
  • スタイルAcid Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Neo Soul
Barcode (Text): 0 42283 79254 8
Barcode (Scanned): 042283792548
Other: Y
Label Code: LC 0309
Price Code: POL 581
A4 : Slow Fuse
曲目リスト :
  1. A1
    Black Dahlia  - David Toop
  2. A2
    Spend Some Time  - Cleveland Watkiss
  3. A3
    The Shrimp  - The Jason Rebello Trio
  4. A4
    Slow Fuse  - Slow Fuse
  5. B1
    Snowboy's House Of Latin  - Snowboy
  6. B2
    Mother Of The Future  - The Jazz Renegades
  7. B3
    Words Within Words  - Steve Williamson Band
  8. B4
    Down By The River  - The James Taylor Quartet
  9. B5
    Low And Lazy, High And Crazy  - The Kick Horns