セラーからのコメント :
stéréo label professional packaging lp cleaned by clearaudio machine and sold with new inner sleeve
曲目リスト :
Immagine (Obraz Pro Klavír A Velký Orchestr)
- Václav Kučera
Symfonické Variace Na Imaginární Portrét Ilji Erenburga
- Josef Páleníček
Other (Manufacturing date code): 74 2
Matrix / Runout (Label A): PE 337
Matrix / Runout (Label B): PE 338
Matrix / Runout (Runout A): PE 337/A C 2
Matrix / Runout (Runout B): PE 338/K A 2
Other (Retail price code, labels): H
Other (Retail price code, cover): G
Rights Society: OSA
Rights Society: OSVU