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gary puckett & the union gap
Gary puckett and the union gap's greatest hits

  • フォーマットカセットテープ (Cassette, Compilation)
  • レーベルColumbia
  • プレス国16 10 1042 - US
  • ジャンルRock
  • スタイルSoft Rock
A1 : Woman, Woman
曲目リスト :
  1. A1
    Woman, Woman
  2. A2
    Young Girl
  3. A3
    Don't Give Him A Chance
  4. A4
  5. A5
    Let's Give Adam And Eve Another Chance
  6. A6
    Don't Make Promises
  7. B1
    This Girl Is A Woman
  8. B2
    Over You
  9. B3
    Reverend Posey
  10. B4
    Lady Willpower
  11. B5
    The Beggar