The last two pieces of the jigsaw were added on March 25th and as announced, we stopped the game on March 28th.
A big thank you to everyone for your participation !
We hope that you enjoyed spending time playing and searching for these covers!
This year, the game gave headaches to more than one player!
Yet, we had chosen the covers according to the themes of the previous months. 4 covers, 4 different styles to spice things up and tease your brain! Only two players ultimately overcame, giving their reply 1 day apart, just before the deadline.
Our two winners will receive a 50 € coupon to be used on our site.
Are you one of the winners? Go to your account, the coupon is waiting for you in your balance.
As usual all participants will be rewarded.
As long as you sent us a reply, even incomplete or incorrect, you will receive a 10% coupon to be used on a future order on CDandLP.
Here are the long-awaited covers:
Ana Mazzotti, Ninguem Vai Me Segurar :

Fatback Band, Yum Yum :

Beastie Boys, Paul's Boutique :

Queen :