検索フィールドを1つ選んでください:  お探しのフォーマットを1つ選んでください: 

amorphous androgynous
A monstrous psychedelic bubble exploding in your mind - the wizards of oz

  • フォーマットCD 2枚 (2 x CD, Compilation, Mixed, Promo)
  • レーベルWarner Music Australia
  • プレス国FESTIVAL - Australia
  • ジャンルElectronic, Rock, Folk, World, & Country
  • スタイルPsychedelic Rock, Folk Rock, Experimental, Krautrock, Aboriginal, Abstract
曲目リスト :
  1. A1
    It Is Not Meant To Be  - Tame Impala
  2. A2
    Gods of Norse  - Cybotron (2)
  3. A3
    House Of The Sun  - Krozier & The Generator
  4. A4
    The Real Thing  - Russell Morris
  5. B1
    Salem Abdullah  - Leong Lau
  6. B2
    Midnight Sun  - Doug Jerebine
  7. B3
    Moulding Of Red Earth  - Rob Thomsett
  8. B4
    This Early Broadminded's Emptiness  - Hiroshi Yasukawa , Claudia (88)
  9. C1
    Mercy Killing  - The Sunset Strip
  10. C2
    Entrance To Warraambool (Part 2)  - Rob Thomsett
  11. C3
    The Sea  - Air (11)
  12. C4
    Waves of Aquarius  - Kanguru
  13. D1
    Raga In Asia Minor  - Cybotron (2)
  14. D2
    Walking  - Ash Grunwald
  15. D3
    Flight Of Yaraan  - Rob Thomsett
  16. D4
    Eyes Of The Witness  - Kongress